Vibrato Technique

Shane Lofton asked 1 month ago

Hey Steve. I’ve been enamored recently by your very unique and recognizable vibrato. How would you describe your vibrato technique? It seems you moving your finger more side to side than up and down? Thanks!

1 Answers
SKSK Staff answered 5 days ago

Yeah, there’s lots of that “cello” style lengthwise along the string technique, it sets me up to land on the occasional lingering melody tone flat to the fret if I need the pitch lower than the fret would give me if I used the normal rock/blues vibrato.

The regular vibrato only goes sharp, which is fine, there’s lots of application for a little lift in the pitch, but I do occasionally need to drop a note a little and the lengthwise vibrato will do both, so I’m “cello” maybe half the time.

Before anybody jumps my chit about the cello reference, the guitar version is reversed in terms of motion vs pitch.
When I’m moving toward the bridge on fretted guitar, that’s lowering the pitch. On fretless or slide, towards the bridge is sharp.
We just got this website working again after a long rebuilding process, so I’m not entirely sure if I can post a video yet, but if I can, that’d explain it better than I can type it.
Anyway, I’ll figure out how to demo the technique so you can see and hear it working, and that’ll clear it up.

ShaneShane replied 5 days ago

Interesting. Thank you so much!

P.S. – I’m also very much looking forward to seeing you and Oteil & Friends next Friday at AMH. Thanks again!

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