Pickups in Les Paul Goldtop

Questions at Kimock CornerCategory: GuitarsPickups in Les Paul Goldtop
Jerryisbest77Jerryisbest77 asked 9 months ago

Hey Steve, noticed that the gold top no longer had the mini hums. What are you using now? Also, are you still running the pyramid Hendrix set on it?  Best,  Sam

1 Answers
SKSK Staff answered 9 months ago

The Goldtop had a set of 1955 Les Paul Custom pickups in it for a while, I recently changed it back to the 68 minihums.
I’m sure I’ll change it again. . 

I still use Pyramids on it, but “the tens” thing for me is almost always some hybrid set.
The Hendrix set is the old Fender 150 set, Duane Allman, John Cipollina, Cornell Dupree, everybody used those except Hendrix.
Dickey Betts used a .010 on top of a Gibson Sonomatic 12 set, so 10, 12, 16, 28w, 32 44.
I do the same with the Pyramid 12’s, put a 10 on top, throw out the low E.
10, 12, 16, 24w, 32, 42. 
anyway, that’s the pre-Ernie Ball prepackaged slinky set strategy everybody used back in the day.
So, there’d be quite a bit of variation in gauges depending what brand “regular” strings you started with. That’s my normal approach too, sometimes one gauge up or down on any of the inside strings and tend toward the lighter third string.
Right now the LP has flatwound Pyramid 11’s on it, wound third, I should probably change that huh?

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